Children love to be active participants in home cooking. Of course, they also exhibit self-initiative, which is not always welcomed, for understandable reasons - they do not yet have the knowledge and skills to produce really tasty and well-prepared food. But that doesn't stop them from trying. Why not allow them to learn by participating in a culinary competition ?! For this purpose, it is advisable to prepare the necessary utensils as well as a weighing instrument for measuring the products.
Here are 6 culinary racing games for kids:
Game 1: Geometry on a dough: bake cookies!
Cut geometric shapes from the dough (circle, square and triangle).
After cutting, they are arranged by the children in a pan and baked. It is important to follow the recipe - let the children learn to follow the cooking algorithm, observe the correctness of the process, and finally - to taste their culinary item. (at the end of the race)
Game 2: Quantity comparison (interactive whiteboard):
Help Winnie the Pooh understand more, less or equal the amount of honey in the two groups of pots. You can find the interactive whiteboard material HERE
Game 3: Cookies:
Arrange a house and a teddy bear from cookies.
Game 4: Ayran
How many full cups of Ayran can you get from 1 yogurt and 1 jug of water?
Here, children learn to measure quantity by using a measuring unit of a cup. Let them record their measurements.
Game 5: Pizza
Arrange pizzas using pre-prepared food.
Game 6: Fruit salad
Make a fruit salad by slicing the fruit into a bowl. Decorate and flavor according to your preferences (e.g. cream, colored or chocolate sticks, nuts, etc.).
Good luck and ... good appetite!