Summer vacation! Hooray! Children look forward to the summer with such eagerness! Time for leisure games, for summer holidays at sea or in the mountains, for long vacations with parents or grandparents... With this attitude, children welcome the first hot days when they can run around the yard in a short-sleeved blouse and barefoot sandals.
Here are our top 10 suggestions for fun and interesting summer games for your kids to spend a pleasant and unforgettable summer filled with emotion and joy:
1. Sandbox or beach games: play with plastic sand kits, build a sand castle or a birthday cake.
2. Tree house: this is not necessarily a specially built house in the crown of a tree, but simply in a wide enough and comfortable place in the low branch of an old tree with a thick stem, children can make a makeshift place (mini-room) ) to play.
3. Games in a tent or under the sunshade with play sets and toys with which children usually play inside, ie. bringing games out.
4. "Funny Umbrellas" - children decorate their sun umbrellas with interesting applied, hand-made or natural materials.
5. Inflatable ball play, Frisbee, Fedball; roller skating competitions, drones, bicycles and more.
6. Herbarium making - When children tear off a flower, they often mourn later to fade quickly; you might want to offer them to use herbs that have already been torn off to make herbarium by explaining the technology of pressing and drying the flowers and placing them in the Flower Album, explaining to them the meaning of storing dried flowers and how to use this album.
7. Classic mobile and folk games that are played all year round outdoors in good weather.
8. "Summer Fashion Show"
9. "Summer Theater"
10. "Living book" - a group of children (actors) with gestures in a small, improvised scene play episodes (scenes) of stories, and another group (viewers) guess which story is the scene.
Enjoy the games!